Arthur Rae

Arthur learned Square Dancing with Jack Murphy at Whitehouse Squares, Box Hill, Victoria in 1987

Whitehouse remained his home club, until moving to Ballarat in 1993 and joining Sovereign City Squares where David Brown was the caller. That club had an Amateur Callers’ Night each year, at which every dancer was encouraged to call a Singing Call.  There was very good participation in that activity, & Arthur called a number each year, which was the beginning of his adventure into the world of Square Dance Calling.

His partner Juliana started Square Dancing in 2002 with Tedda Brooks, completing the Mainstream program and progressing on to learn Plus over the following two years.

Arthur met Juliana at Barry Wonson’s club in 2004, and they have attended both Red Barons and Guys & Dolls over the intervening years. Arthur has called at both clubs, and has attended various Caller Training activities along the way.

 Their first convention together was the 34th NSW State convention in Kiama in 2012. Since then, they have attended an additional four State and two National Conventions, participating in Dress Sets at the State Convention in Milton in 2015 and the National Convention in Perth in 2018. 

 Juliana and Arthur have also learned Round Dancing together, up to phase four, with a smattering of five; and are currently learning ‘A’ level Square Dancing with Barry Wonson.

 During the Covid lock-down, Tedda Brooks and his partner Marion decided to move to Sutherland Shire to live, to be closer to family, and Tedda decided not to open another club there. He has very generously loaned his equipment to Arthur to keep Guys & Dolls open in Wollongong, which has provided an opportunity for the club to continue.